How my journey began…


In January 2014 my husband challenged me to join him in a 90 day at-home fitness program. I was hesitant to say the least as I was NOT a fan of exercise.

At first, I resisted. But the more I thought about it, I realized I needed to make a change because the truth was unavoidable. For someone not even 5' 2", I was overweight, my clothes were not fitting right, I was lethargic, unhappy and had that BLAH feeling all day - every day. I was going through the motions of daily “mom life”. So although life was busy (an excuse we ALL use), I took the first step in making my health a priority.

I reluctantly accepted Jeff’s challenge, pinned up our 90 day workout schedule to our basement wall and started Day 1. It was NOT pretty. I remember thinking there is NO way that I can do this. I modified my way through EVERY move of that 1st workout but I didn't quit.

And guess what - I did it - all 90 days! I lost 15 pounds in the process and felt great. More importantly, I found a routine that was sustainable and didn't do anything drastic.

I did NOT spend hours at the gym, cut carbs, sugar, red meat or even alcohol. I increased my physical activity (~30 minutes a day), balancing cardio and resistance/strength training.

I started making more meals at home rather than ordering take out, and slightly adjusted portion sizes.

No silver bullet, no magic pill, but it worked. And it paved the way to where I am now. 


I decided that I wanted to make a career out of helping others achieve their health and wellness goals. I wanted to support other women struggling to make time between preschool drop-off, nap time, working long hours, shuttling back & forth to sports practice, cooking dinner and everything else in between. So I embraced my passion for helping others and started my Lisa Klein Wellness venture as well as my 1 on 1 tailored “Live My Best Life” coaching program.

And I now know I am doing what I was always meant to: I help women learn how to make their health a priority without restrictions or depriving them of the things they love most so they can be the best version of themselves.

Hey friend, I’m Lisa


A health and wellness coach passionate about helping women learn how to make their health a priority so they can better serve those around them.

I’m a self proclaimed homebody who enjoys working from home, shopping online (Amazon Prime is my BFF) and changing into different athleisure wear from my workout to post workout. 

When I’m not working, you can find me running between the softball fields with my daughter or the golf course with my son watching them do what they love most. And whenever we can, my husband and I try to sneak out for a date night to enjoy dinner and drinks. I’m also guilty of secretly counting down the hours until the kids’ bedtime so that I can watch all the reality TV on Bravo! 

My Mission

Helping women build healthy SUSTAINABLE habits without feeling overwhelmed OR restricted. It’s all about taking BABY STEPS and simplifying the process! 

A majority of the work that I do with my clients provides them guidance on creating manageable routines to keep them CONSISTENT in both fitness & nutrition. These routines help them save time and give them the energy to keep them going day after day.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

Ready to make a change?