Workout from home

Have you heard the statistic that roughly 80% of all people who START a wellness plan QUIT after just a few weeks? 

Except you, not this time. You’ll be part of the 20% that find long term success because you’ll have me as your coach and a community behind you supporting you every step of the way.

The LIVE MY BEST LIFE Group Coaching & Accountability Program

What is it?

A 6 week group coaching program following a curriculum where each week will focus on a specific topic to provide enhancements to your health & wellness journey. I am your mentor and will guide you as you begin creating simple routines around nutrition & exercise to elevate your overall wellbeing and transform you from the inside out. This program will teach you how to build healthy habits to last a lifetime and rid you of the “on track / off track” patterns, without feeling overwhelmed (& without restrictions).

Who is it for?

This is for women like you who are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Women like you who want to make REAL progress on their health and wellness journey. Women like you who need some extra accountability and support, Women like you who need an uncomplicated no nonsense approach to build healthy habits.

If you are motivated and inspired by others and yearn to be a part of a supportive community, this is it! We are stronger together!

My clients who have the most success have a willingness to try new things and a burning desire to be better than they were yesterday.

If you’re committed to feeling energized, happy, and rejuvenated every single day, now’s the time to take action and join my next Live My Best Life group coaching program.

What is included?

  • Access to my PRIVATE Facebook group

  • Six LIVE group zoom calls (1 per week of the program) — including hot seat coaching

  • Daily messaging & support within our virtual Facebook community

  • Fitness accountability (and exercise ideas for beginners)

  • Meal planning & meal prepping 101 training (including sample meal plan & recipe guide)

  • Wellness tips for long-term success including eating out / ordering take-out, thriving during holidays &/or travel, creating routines for healthy habits and MORE!


    • Add-ons available for customized meal plans & one-on-one 30 minute calls

Weekly Modules include (but are not limited to):

  1. Mindfulness - establishing routines for success

  2. Movement / Exercise

  3. Water

  4. Nutrition - meal planning / snacks / swaps

  5. Nutrition - meal prepping / shortcuts / ordering out

  6. Consistency - weekends / holidays / travel & beyond

“My mindset has shifted significantly from when I began Lisa's program to when I completed it. I went from being overwhelmed and wanting to give up because fitness & nutrition were "too hard" and "I didn't have the time" to making myself a priority first thing in the morning every single day.”

— Carly W.

Ready to make a change?